According to a study about the connection between personality and typos, “people who constantly get bothered by grammatical errors online have ‘less agreeable’ personalities than those who just let them slide.”
Regardless of your personality type, if your readers notice an error, jump for joy!
⫸ They took the time to read your content
⫸ They cared enough to alert you
⫸ You may learn something new
⫸ Although unfortunate, it gives you an opportunity to fix it
However, not everyone loves to be corrected. Here’s how to tread lightly:
1. Be courteous and respectful
2. It’s just about the typo (separate the writing from the person)
3. Take care not to be judgmental
4. If the recipient takes offense, back away
5. You can’t fix every tpyo in the world 🙂
The study also said, “…extraverted people were likely to overlook written errors that would cause introverted people to judge the person who makes such errors more negatively. Less agreeable people were more sensitive to grammos, while more conscientious and less open people were sensitive to typos.”