Writing Samples
As a professional copywriter, I help B2B companies profit from the one marketing tool that prospects believe most… case studies. Check out some of my latest work:
Case Studies (click image to view)
Testimonials and Snap Shot Case Studies
And here are examples of the different types of Case Studies I can write for you*:
- Traditional Format Sample—four distinct sections under four well-known headings: Customer, Challenge/Problem, Solution and Results.
- Feature Story Format—written like a feature story in a newspaper or magazine. Employs techniques journalists use to engage readers, like descriptive subheads and an engaging opening paragraph, or “lead”.
- Snapshot—Short documents that are a little longer than a testimonial and state the customer’s challenge, why they chose you to fix it, and how they’re doing now.
I’ve created success stories for clients that range from Startups to Fortune 100 companies. Here are just a few of the companies I’ve had the privilege to interview and write about…
Although I specialize in case studies, I have worked for clients in a broad range of industries. Below are select writing, and design projects to illustrate my experience.
Books & Guides
- The Marketing Manual for Naturopathic Doctors (objective: teach doctors fundamental marketing principles)
- The Definitive Guide to Hiring the Most Confident, Talented & Humble People (objective: share a proven hiring process to attract the best staff )
Product Sheets: Healthcare Technical Writing
Homeopathic Drugs (objective: create a wholesale practitioner version and retail consumer version)
Infographics (concept, design & content)
- The Human Microbiome and the Evolution of You (objective: simplify a complicated process of medical ecology and gut health by creating consumer-friendly content and infographic design.
Ghost Writing
- Anchor content
- Thought leadership articles
- E-books
Ad Copy
- We Haven’t Gone Green, We Started That Way (featured in the college textbook “Consumer Behavior–Human Pursuit of Happiness in the World of Goods” by Banwari Mittal for its biogenic and psychogenic approach to fulfilling the needs of ecologically-conscious consumers.)
Brochures and Sell Sheets
- Practitioner Brochure (award-winning Naturopathic Doctor)
- Non-Profit Community Theatre
- Spa Menu
- Third Party Inventory Sell Sheet
Questions? Reach out here.